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Friday, 24 August 2012

And sleep ...

Hi everyone,
You know, I really should say, when everything gets too much ... go and have a good sleep and it will all be, look and feel much better !

Try it out - honestly ...

Jill zzzzzzzz

Monday, 6 August 2012

The Early Bird ...

courtesy of
The Early Bird doesn't sweat !

After many years of being on the last minute / doing one more task or phone call before leaving for that all important meeting, exam, wedding celebration, even a day out - I've finally learned to ...

I've got to tell you, being on time FEELS GREAT !
Being early - FEELS EVEN BETTER !

Why it's taken me soooo long to learn this, I've no idea.

Being Late v Being Early ...
Since being a teenager, I've spent most of my days and nights being late. Not massively late, more like irritatingly late - around 10 minutes or so usually. And I can tell you, it's not been worth it. Thinking I could fit in one more task before I left the house, one more phone call before I left the office, one more topic of conversation before I departed from a friend's house, the last piece of ironing, final paragraph in a marketing plan ... has all been futile. All that rushing - that feeling of dread screwing up inside you - tightening like a boa constrictoror [not that I've ever seen one but thought it sounded good - and the image sort-of vivid enough] that real uncomfortable-ness, like when a big suck-sweet you've swallowed too soon has got lodged somewhere in the middle of your chest and feels like half a brick. Then,  wondering where to park when you're already 10 minutes, struggling to run in your heels on shoes that rub your little toe anyway ... that warmth building under your armpits ... a slight worry about getting too hot ... progressing into a similar feeling to one when you get out of the shower - before you've dried yourself ... No it's not worth it ...

Being Early is a different thing altogether. Okay, so the last shirt doesn't get ironed, there's a phone call prioritised for first thing the next day, the marketing plan needed re-thinking anyway - And - you still have a conversation to begin on next time you see your friend.

Being Early allows you to be calm, prepared for the event or occasion you're attending. Whilst you're waiting for your appointment, seminar or celebration, you can be ahead of the game - make last minute plans, check facts and figures, add another layer of lipstick, send that important text, make a restaurant reservation, eye up the opposition - and most of all, you'll look sooo professional that everyone else will feel hot under the collar !

Enjoy the experience - and most of all, BE COOL - you'll probably be able to sustain your body temperature within a range that doesn't imply you've just swum the length of Lake Windermere.

So, switch off your computer and get ready - be early.

You're worth it.