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Journals ~ Get Creative or Write Your Worries Away

Journaling ~
You can't get to sleep at night?

You keep waking up? ... Your mind's too active?

You're stressed about an exam / interview / deadline?

It's time to get Journaling .........

To clear your mind so that you can concentrate on the main goal [exams / work / relationships etc]:

Choose a small blank book, cheap and nasty with faint blue lines, torn and tatty, hard back, colourful, beautifully hand-decorated ... any sort will do. Also, a pen or pencil would be useful ...

Write for five minutes before bed / sleep ... or choose a time that suits you

Write non-stop about any topic that comes into your mind

Let your mind wander ... Don't stop writing

Write with big letters, small letters, shout, be messy ... but don't stop until the time is up ...

If you can't think what to write, write just that! Repeat yourself if necessary

This is Not a diary but Yes, write everyday

You don't have to read what you have written

You dont have to share what you have written

Your writing may seem like ramblings. It doesn't matter.

Now that all the spare information milling round in your head is on paper ~ you may even feel more free.

Later, you may want to go back and read some of your literary ramblings - they may make sense - they may not. Either way, let's hope you can sleep longer, concentrate harder, feel better and enjoy a sense of freedom from over-thinking.

Be Happy
I came across a life coach article the other day, the idea of which I'd like to share with you. The basis is this; forget idle gossip and engage in a good heart-to-heart conversation. I couldn't agree more, talking being one of my favourite passtimes. Apparently, a study by the University of Arizona proves that idle chatter doesn't make for a positive effect on well-being whereas sharing an in-depth conversation does [great news]. The happier participants spent 70% more time talking than the unhappy ones [this just gets better]. The happier people had twice as many deep-and-meaningfuls and spent less time making small talk. Which makes me wonder, how are we going to teach this to men?

So it just goes to show ... it's good to talk.
