Make Yourself at Home ~

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Friday, 2 July 2010

Question: How can you help teenagers who have lost their sense of direction?

Question: How can you help young adults who have lost their sense of direction?

This is always difficult as teenagers often feel their parents are interfering ...

It is the parent who has the experience of life and therefore holds the knowledge.

From experience with my teenagers, I have:

Lowered my expectations to enable the YA to sense they have achieved something.

Plan short term goals with them.

Encourage being active - this releases endorphins = happiness/calmness/clear thinking.

Set boundaries [you might be amazed how YA's respond positively to boundaries]

Praise positive behaviour.

Exchange negatives with positives.
[Get the YA to make a list of their positives - discuss the opposites
= see how many negative outcomes can be changed without too much difficulty]

Encourage laughter - try to find fun things to do - include other members of the family / firends.

If all else fails, pour large bucket freezing cold water over young adult early in the morning and pour yourself a large gin and tonic.



  1. LOL !!! Oh how true this is... enjoying your blog (about time too, may I add!) keep going and I'll be checking in from time to time.

  2. Thanks for your comments ... hope its going to attract more attention, information and ... stories, Jill

  3. Most certainly. It's great, keep going ! Jacq x
