Make Yourself at Home ~

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Saturday, 27 April 2013

Time to relax ...

Yes, well, ahem ... it's probably time I took some of my own advice and took some time off.

When things [work and serious stuff] aren't running smoothly, it's often an indication of over-tiredness.

Sometimes repetition of events and routines can bore or dull us.

Ringing any alarm bells?

If so [er yes, that's me] take it as a warning to step back, take a rest, find something fun or relaxing to do. Find a different activity, pastime, place or people to engage with.

Here's a mixed up random list of things to do - or not do ... just let go and have a few hours off life in the fast lane ... and enjoy ...

Look up at the sky - really look at it though   [wow it's actually sunny today]

Take some deep breaths

Go for a brisk walk

Take a long luxury bath at an unusual time of day for you - no rushing out

-or - Go for a leisurely walk - but make sure to listen to the birds or look at the gardens, hedgerows, sea

Stay away from traffic, TV or noisy environments

If you're feeling pent up - try a group sport, swimming or jogging to expend your energy or frustrations

Cycling is like multi-tasking - fresh air - exercise - new views of your environment

Set some time for doing nothing - give your brain a complete rest

Extra-observe life around you whilst doing daily errands

Write a no rules Journal - any feelings you want to express [note - this is not a diary]

Spend some time thinking about your future

Make a list of things you want to do one day

*Making a list of things you really want to do or achieve in life may be one step towards them actually happening. Some theorists say that if you write things down, there's more chance of following them through.

Ok, so I'm up for a cycle ride [a virtual one in my head], looking up at the sky [ooh, it's cloudy now but very moody and interesting], a long bath [at the wrong time of day] and making a fresh list for future plans ... Is that too many things on a day when I'm trying to do nothing at all?

Maybe I'll re-think ... you know, I just really feel like looking at the sky some more ...

Enjoy your day, whatever you're doing - and do something, even doing nothing's ok - and even better if  you're aware of it.


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